Pop a Top

Pop a Top for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver

Clubs in Colorado and Wyoming are encouraged to collect pop-top pulls from aluminum cans. We will donate to Ronald McDonald House who will then recycle them for funds to support their operation,

There will be a contest at the state convention to award a prize to the club that collects the most pop-tops per member.

When families have a seriously ill child and need to seek medical care far from their own homes, they can turn to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver to find a home away from home.  At no cost. For as long as treatment takes.  More than just shelter, Ronald McDonald Houses in Denver and Aurora provide security, comfort, and care.  They are places where laughter is shared, friendships are formed, and hope is nurtured.

In 2022 RMHC housed 2,139 Families, provide 33,200 nights of rest, saved the families $6,665,2200 in housing and food, the average stay at RMH was 23 nights.  Most common reasons for staying: Premature Newborns, High Risk Pregnant Moms, Cardiology, Surgery, and Respiratory.

Labels for collection containers can be requested from CWLionsChC@gmail.com  – send how many and mailing address.