Colorado / Wyoming Lions
Childhood Cancer
Cancer is the leading cause of death caused by disease in children under the age of 15.
Every year, approximately 9,000 children are diagnosed with cancer and approximately 1,500 die as a result of the disease. However, each year, more and more children are survivors of cancer. More than 70 percent of children with cancer survive the disease. These children may experience medical and physical effects, psychological effects, and cognitive and neuropsychological effects.
The Psychological Impact on the Family/Caregivers
Family members of a child with cancer often suffer various forms of distress with regards to the child’s illness. Parents report feelings of anxiety, depression, symptoms of PTSD, and distress related not only to the child with cancer, but also to the adjustment of the child's siblings.
Siblings also report feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, neglected, and guilty.
Treatment of cancer in children can take extended time, weeks or months, in hospitals and clinics. Parents are often required to leave homes, family, and jobs to be with their children during this frightening and stressful time.
What Can We Do as Lions?
The districts of Colorado and Wyoming are teaming up to identify and promote programs that your clubs can run to support the kids with Childhood Cancer, their families and facilities that provide a home away from home for all as they go through this terrible time. Below are some of the projects and programs that Lions of Colorado and Wyoming may decide to become involved. Please take a few minutes to explore how you can help. We have tried to provide easy and fun options for you.
To learn more about the facilities we are supporting click on Ronald McDonald House, Brent's Place .
Pop Tops for
Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House
Each club in Colorado and Wyoming is encouraged to collect pop tops from aluminum cans and bring your pop tops to your state convention next year. The club with the most pop tops per member will win a prize.
Kards for Kids
Caring Cards
Caring Cards
Lions have to opportunity to produce Greeting Cards for kids with cancer and individuals undergoing life savings treatments.
Quilts for Kids
Lions and friend of Lions are being asked to make quilt that can be given to children with cancer as they go through treatment in hospitals.
Future Projects Being Worked
When spring starts to arrive, we will ask Lions to donate outside play equipment such as soccer balls, frisbees, Wiffle ball sets that can be given to the kids and sibling also staying in the facilities to allow them to enjoy the out of doors. More to come later.
We are going to work with the District Governors to sponsor a community service project at one of their cabinet meetings where Lions can bring household items and we will distribute them to Ronald McDonald House and to Brent’s Place.
ChC Team Members
6NE PDG Gary Sampson / Penn Street
6C PDG Bob Storrs
6SE Lion Cathrine Tempel
6W PDG Dave McIlnay
15 DG Lee McDonald